Ready to get to the root cause of your issues?

If you are dealing with chronic health problems, then you'll want to keep reading... 


Suffering symptoms like digestive disorders, fatigue, skin problems, hormonal imbalances, stress, anxiety and depression?

You are in the right place!

Let me guess, you've seen your doctor or specialists, been given medication or temporary relief, or even told that you're fine and everything is normal.

But you know someting is off and you still don't feel well. Maybe you've been living with IBS, PMS and mood swings, or chronic aches and pains for so long you just deal with it.

As Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I use a wide range of tools to assess and identify potential nutritional imbalances and understand how these may contribute to your symptoms and health concerns.


I use therapeutic tools including:

  • Identifying and countering reactions to commonly eaten foods
  • Using functional diagnostic tests through professional laboratories
  • Improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients
  • Correcting nutritional deficiencies or excesses
  • Creating individual supplement and dietary plans
  • Encouraging good life-long dietary and lifestyle habits


What conditions can I help with?

Nutritional Therapy may help with chronic health problems including:

  • Allergies and food intolerances – gluten, diary, etc.
  • Digestive problems (chronic constipation or diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), colitis, bloating, excess flatulence, abdominal discomfort, ulcers and Candida)
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Osteoporosis
  • Sleep problems
  • Blood sugar imbalances (sugar or carbohydrate cravings, lack of energy, afternoon drowsiness, poor concentration, insulin resistance and hypoglycemia)
  • Immune dysfunction (frequent colds, sore throats and chest infections, chronic fatigue syndrome and autoimmune diseases)
  • Hormonal problems (menopausal symptoms, premenstrual problems (PMS), thyroid problems, infertility, fibroids, endometriosis and PCOS.)
  • Lack of energy and vitality (chronic fatigue, or generally feeling low in energy and tired all the time)
  • Depression and post-natal depression
  • Chronic headaches and migraines
  • Weight problems – weight gain or loss
  • Childhood illnesses such as eczema, asthma, hyperactivity, behavioural problems, autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) and learning difficulties


What is Nutritional Therapy?

Nutrient sufficiency means that the body has access to all nutrients it needs to heal itself. This sufficiency is achieved through a properly prepared, nutrient-dense, wholefood diet. But foods that are healing for one person may not work for the next.

Through carefully designed bio-individual recommendations for diet, supplementation, and lifestyle—along with sensible advice for adequate hydration, rest, and stress management—Nutritional Therapy aims to balance body chemistry and to reduce or even eliminate dysfunction.

Nutritional Therapists address nutrition from this holistic perspective and trust the body’s innate intelligence and ability to heal itself, if properly nourished. We believe in the importance of properly prepared, nutrient-dense wholefoods that taste delicious, nourish our bodies, and restore balance. No one diet fits everyone. Nutritional Therapists assess the body’s current state of health and help each client find the wholefoods that will restore balance and enhance their ability to heal. Our work is not about counting calories, weighing food, recommending processed food or “dieting.”

After assessing a client’s needs and possible deficiencies, we work together to develop a personalized wellness and nutrition plan. This will be a plan that works specifically for you and your lifestyle. The goal is to make it something you can maintain and practice for the rest of your life. While each plan is bio-individual, they all have the same characteristic of using properly prepared nutrient dense whole foods and lifestyle modifications as the therapeutic foundation. If needed, I will also incorporate natural supplements for short term to assist the healing process.

Ready to take charge of your health?

Join my private Facebook group


and get all the tips around hormones, digestion, fat loss, and understanding your body so you can feel your best (without dieting, restriction, and all the not fun things we think we have to do to be healthy)!